Frequency is low – typically quarterly – and addresses are never shared. The Vensim newsletter is used for announcements of software updates, courses, and related information. BY DOWNLOADING, YOU AGREE TO BE CONTACTED AFTER DOWNLOADING TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL RESOURCES. PLEASE NOTE: DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS WILL BE EMAILED TO YOU, YOU MUST PROVIDE A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS. Windows 7/8 圆4 (Vensim 8.1, later versions will not run on Windows 7/8)

Windows 7/8 x32 (Vensim 8.1, later versions will not run on Windows 7/8) The Vensim Model Reader may be distributed for free with your models (including commercial use). If there’s any doubt, please consult section 7 of the Vensim license. This requirement includes any research that lacks an educational component or is proprietary or classified. Therefore we ask that commercial and government users purchase an inexpensive license for uses other than software evaluation.

However … we need the support of non-educational users to sustain our Vensim development efforts. Ventana Systems is proud to support education with tens of thousands of free PLE downloads every year.