Payment of electricity bills to be accepted by Cashiers.Advertisement for comments and suggestions for draft Goa ECBC 2020 and draft Goa Rules 2020.Goa Energy Conservation Building Code & Rules 2020.Tariff Formats for APR FY 2022-23 & ARR FY 2023-24.Petition for approval of Annual Performance Review (APR) of FY 2022-23 and Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) for FY 2023-24 before the Hon'ble JERC.MEA Gazette of India-English version-Manner and conduct of EA_Part1.

Guidelines for development of Sub Transmission and distribution system.Standard Data Service Connection 2012-13.Log Sheets for Ponda 220/33kv 1x50MVA s/s.Distribution Transformer spec ammendments.Distribution Transformer spec notifications.

Monthly Count of New Connections Released.Procedure for New Electricity Connection.Division and sub division wise Areas covered by Department.